Monday, October 22, 2012

October in the Dominican Republic

Today marks 6 weeks since we moved to the Dominican Republic. God has been good and has done so much. He is faithful to never leave us or forsake us, no matter where we are!

About 1 1/2 weeks ago we had a team of eye doctors come for a long weekend. They examined close to 480 people on the mountain in Barahona in two days. We also had two opticians, one of them was Jared, who attempted to fit each person who needed glasses from a collection of almost 200 pairs of donated glasses. They were a great blessing to the community and many people were blessed with exams and glasses that they would not be able to afford. 

It is awesome to think that the Lord was preparing Jared for that weekend over the years he worked as an optician before we moved and that He brought us here just weeks before this team arrived. We just never know how the Lord is going to use the things in our lives for His purposes later on. 

Today we spent the morning notifying the sponsored families of the monthly meeting coming up. While we were out in the community, we had the pleasure of sharing about Jesus with a woman named Vikki. She was sharing with us that she has had some difficult things happen in her life and that she walked away from the Lord. Jared and Johan, one of our co-workers at In Calvary's Care, shared with her that she doesn't need to walk through those difficult things in life alone. The Lord loves her and wants her to come to Him in difficult times. We prayed with her and encouraged her to spend time reading the Bible. She told us that she has a Bible, but can't read. We told her that we would be happy to come read the Bible to her. This morning Lewis, the ministry leader of In Calvary's Care, encouraged the staff before we went out to look for those divine appointments that the Lord may have for us today. It was awesome to see the Lord work and lead us right to Vikki. Pray that Vikki will continue to draw closer to the Lord and will lay all her burdens at His feet. 

As far as other prayer requests... We are still working on completing the Visa process. It is a long story, so to summarize, a few of our documents were incorrect and needed to be revised. We hopefully will be returning to the Capitol tomorrow to finally submit all the correct completed paperwork. Even though this has been a difficult process with many problems, we have seen the Lord's hand in it and He has been directing our steps and providing everything we need. 

Please also pray as we continue to learn Spanish. We desire to be able to speak with the people more clearly.

We will be starting a youth group in a few weeks here at Calvary Chapel of Barahona. We will be inviting the teenagers in the In Calvary's Care program this week during distribution and are excited to see what the Lord is going to do in the lives of the young people here. 

Thank you for your prayers and support. We are grateful the Lord has included YOU in the work He is doing here in Barahona!